Just Do It

Nike was brilliant in its ad campaign using the slogan "Just Do It." It caught on and spread like wildfire. Although the slogan sounds ridiculous, it's simple, catchy, and makes sense. If you have a passion for something just go and do it. Everyone talks about how they want to travel the world, skydive, or just do something crazy, but most people don't follow through with it. Why? We all have big dreams and stuff we want to cross off the bucket list, but in the end it's because we are lazy. So many people use the excuse "I don't have money." If you really want something, wouldn't you do anything to get it? No one wants to put in the extra effort.

I came across an article the other day about a 14 year old girl who wanted to travel the world alone in her boat and she did it. "A two-year-long, 27,000-mile trip that would take her around the globe and beyond."Although Laura Dekker was only 14 at the time, she had a passion so strong that it drove her to achieve her dream to sail around the world. An entire documentary is in the making, watch the preview below.


Find a passion and chase after it. Stop making excuses and Just Do It.


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-Helen Keller

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