A Fresh Start

I remember the day before high school vividly like it was yesterday. I was anxious but excited at the same time. Tomorrow starts the first day of my sixth semester at college, and the same feelings are stirring inside of me. In less than three semesters, I'll be in the "real world." Where's the time going? People weren't lying when they said college flew by. If you're reading this and are currently in college or plan to go in the future, I have one piece of advice. Your Grade point average (GPA) is just a number. Stop studying so much and get out of your room or library and meet new people. Take a step out of your comfort zone and really soak in what college has to offer. Join a new club or pick up an intramural sport. Tom Petty couldn't have put it better.

“I've learned one thing, and that's to quit worrying about stupid things. You have four years to be irresponsible here, relax. Work is for people with jobs. You'll never remember class time, but you'll remember the time you wasted hanging out with your friends. So stay out late. Go out with your friends on a Tuesday when you have a paper due on Wednesday. Spend money you don't have. Drink 'til sunrise. The work never ends, but college does..."
                                                              -Tom Petty

Four years (five for the ones who want to take a victory lap) is really a short time at college. Don't waste any time like I have been.


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-Helen Keller

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